Highlights from this year’s Capitol Concierge R.I.S.E. Awards on March 8, 2024.
The annual R.I.S.E. Awards celebrate service excellence in accountability, integrity, transparency, loyalty, and passion for serving others. Congratulate all of this year’s winners and thank you to the entire Capitol team for their excellent service performance in the past year.
This year’s award winners include:
Ramin Adib, Tijuanna Beyman, Jaquita Boyd, Nakita Chambers, Jenee Glover, Jody Guerrero, Barbara Hassan, Kierre Jackson, Cynthia Johnson, Gerard Johnson, Jennifer Joseph, Sandra Mathis, Owen Munemo, Khadija Nyanganyi, Rhonda Paul, Lisa Robinson, Misty Tieman, Leslie Vasquez, Naomi Virgo, Trevor Williams, Rebecca Wilson, and Niambi Wyatt.