Capitol Concierge Named a 2023 NABOE Award Winner

Columbia, Md., May 22, 2023 – Capitol Concierge is pleased to announce that it is the recipient of the 2023 National Association of Business Owners & Entrepreneurs (NABOE) Client Care Champions – Serviced Based Businesses – Large Company Award.

NABOE is an association of business owners and leaders who share their desire to learn, grow, and better themselves and their organizations. In its inaugural year, the awards program recognizes excellence in business and the incredible contribution that small businesses provide to the community. 

“It is a great honor and delight for Capitol Concierge to be among NABOE’s esteemed award winners,” said Lynda Ellis, CEO of Capitol Concierge. “Having received this prestigious award demonstrates Capitol’s values and team’s dedication to providing exceptional service while adhering to the highest standards of ethics and making a difference in our community.”