Making the Holidays Merrier for Our Neighbors in Need

Imagine a holiday spent without a Christmas tree, presents or the aroma of a home-cooked meal. Unfortunately, for many area families this is a reality. However, thanks to three wonderful organization, Capitol Concierge was able to help make the holiday season a little brighter for our neighbors in need.

As part of Capitol Concierge’s corporate philanthropy program, Capitol Cares, this past holiday season we teamed up with Operation Covert Santa, the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program and the American Red Cross’ Holidays for Heroes program to give back to the communities we serve.

Operation Covert Santa

Operation Covert Santa gathers wish lists from service members and their families who are at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, removes all identifying information and asks volunteers to supply the presents. All the gifts are given and received anonymously. The donors do not know the families’ identities, and the families do not know the donors. According to Operation Covert Santa, it’s “Just Santa doing his job.” This is the fifth year that Capitol Concierge has participated in Operation Covert Santa.

“Being a part of Operation Covert Santa gives us an opportunity to make a trying and difficult situation a little bit better for service members and their families,” said Capitol Concierge CEO Lynda Ellis. “It’s one of the ways we say thank you to those who give so bravely to our country.” 

Salvation Army’s Angel Tree

Did you know that the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program puts new clothes and toys under the tree for one million children who usually have to go without Christmas gifts? Anonymous donors adopt children and fulfill their Christmas wish list. And that’s just the beginning. From hosting sit-down Christmas dinners to delivering meals to stocking food pantries, the program makes sure low-income families, struggling seniors, and those without a home for the holidays have something to eat.

“The Angel Tree program has become a Christmas tradition at Capitol Concierge,” said Ellis. “It brings as much joy to us as it does to the gift receivers.”

American Red Cross’ Holidays for Heroes

The Red Cross Holidays for Heroes program enables Americans to “Give something that means something” during the holiday season by signing holiday cards to thank and recognize members of the military, veterans and their families for their service to our country.

“We want to make sure that our service members, veterans and their families are surrounded with the joy of the holidays,” said Ellis. “Participating in The Holidays for Heroes program is not only fun, it is an honor to be able to personally thank our nation’s heroes.”